Westpoint persians were started in 1980. I`ve been breeding the chocolate series from the start, with lines such as Tamara and Alomis. Later on with lines from , Degentilly, Legerepi a.o... I started my breed with Louise af Tamara, one of the first lilac persians in Denmark, and Grand International Champion. Alomis Seal Cheeseburger, the first sealpoint to achieve the Gr.Int.Ch. Title in Europe, from these two I got a bunch of beautiful Chocolate and lilac persians, & Himalayans. To name a few of them. Eur.Ch. Westpoint Little Chickadee. PER.b.33. Chocolatepoint. Gr.Int.Ch. Westpoint Chocolate Toffee. PER.b.33. Chocolatepoint. Int.Ch. Westpoint Cafe au Lait. PER.b.33. Chocolatepoint. Int.Ch. Westpoint Teddy Bear. PER.a.33. Bluepoint. Ch. Westpoint Mister President. PER.b. Chocolate persian Ch. Westpoint Sweet Silent. PER.c. Lilac persian. But first we would like to show you a photo of Eur.Ch Westpoint Little Chickadee. Which became the very first Chocolatepoint in Europe to achieve the European Champion title (today aka. Surpreme Champion.) |
In the mid 90`s , I discovered that I possibly couldn`t live without having Stripes on my cats. And with my everburning love for the himalayans, it couldn`t be anything else. So I looked everywhere to find that ”Mister Right”, Lynxpoint. With that special Cheschire Cat Smile. And I did find him my beloved IC. Hot Pursuit`s Cotton Eye Joe (Seallynxpt) And combining Chocolate and lilac with Tabby and Exotic. I was looking at a whole new aspect. Unfortunately I had to put my exotic program to rest due to allergi. My Exotic program will be continued by Kata Lassner of Debutantehimalayans in Hungary.
But now I`m back into breeding Chocolate and lilac persians again. With lines from Rosegarth & Noradawn. And this time I`m expanding my program with Bicoloures from Candirand, Sumava, Bagira, Zenithi, Meihua & Farallon. We have NO exotics in our persian lines.
To name a few of my Tabby/Lynx that have done very well at shows. EC. Westpoint Surprise Surprise PER.n.2133 (Seallynxpoint) IC. Westpoint Tigers Hits Home Run PER.n.2133 (Seallynxpoint) GIC.+PR. Westpoint I`m a Tiger EXO.n.22 (Browntabby chocolatecarrier) IP. Westpoint Winning the Oscar PER:n.2133 (Seallynxpoint) IC. Hot Pursuit`s Cotton Eye Joe of Westpoint PER.n.2133 (Seallynxpoint) We would also like to mension EC. Westpoint Surprise Surprise. Which as far as we know also became the first Seallynxpoint which achieved the title European Champion. (aka Surpreme Champion) |